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新闻 2022-09-17 10:15

A few days ago, I put eight garlic kinds of garlic into the soil. After three days, garlic seedling long, I call it the garlic bolt. Today, with three cm long garlic bolt head. So October 1st is its birthday. I put the garlic in the soil to dig out, I found that lots of the white stuff under the garlic, or strips, like small white. At night, a little long in garlic bolt, Baidu said, so that the elders of garlic bolt, mud with garlic.

  The second day, I found a lot of garlic bolt long, above the green garlic bolt there, in a little like curly hair. The roots of garlic bolt small, like a knife, like a villain.

  On the third day, garlic has two the, two garlic like upright, like a pair of rabbit ears, a garlic bends down, like and we bow before it! I have no time to drink, garlic bolt can do garlic bolt several day not to drink, you can grow up? The above is the green garlic bolt, the following is white, like a long green onion.


  Garlic Miao long can be really fast ah! I really want to know how to grow up in the dirt and garlic bolt?


标签 英语 / 植物 / 生长 / 日记 / 作文 / 记的 / 长日 / 

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